
4. June 2024
What You Need to Know When Operating Multi-Range Loads
If setting and measuring accuracies over a wide range play a major role when selecting an electronic load, multi-range loads with 2, 3 or 4 setting and measuring ranges score highly. There are a few things to understand and observe when switching ranges. This application note isintended to help…

24. October 2023
Function Extension with SCL and PMLA Series
With a firmware update, two of our electronic load series each receive a function upgrade. Master-Slave Operation – SCL Series You can connect up to five identical single devices of the SCL high-current series to form an even more powerful master-slave system. Full load current at short-circuit -> ideal for high…

13. September 2023
Change in the Management Board
After 37 years of continued growth and success, we are pleased to announce an important change in leadership at H&H. The founders and previous directors of our company have decided to pass the torch of leadership to the next generation. This is a significant milestone in our family-run business. Johann…

23. August 2023
Load Control Tool for DC Loads
New software helps our customers remotely control electronic DC loads via an intuitive user interface. This includes: Operation and parameterization of the device functions: Operating mode and set value, list function, square wave and modulator function, discharge function and internal resistance measurement, MPP tracking. Data acquisition Data processing and graphical…

17. April 2023
Lively Attendance at the Open Day
We experienced an extraordinary day last Saturday. On April 15, 2023 we opened our doors to show who we are, what we do at H&H and what an electronic load actually is. Our employees from development and sales, manufacturing, quality assurance and support showed the development of our products in…

24. August 2022
Configuring Multi-Channel Loads
Electronic multi-channel loads from H&H can be equipped with up to 12 load modules (channels) of different power ratings in one 19″ unit on 2 U. A master unit provides user and data interfaces and controls several slave units with further load modules if required. A maximum of 3 cooling…

12. April 2022
Multi-Range Model Lineup Expanded
High-power electronic loads now also available as multi-range variants: In addition to the proven models up to 1,500 W continuous power, the PLI MR series now also offers powerful models – up to 28.8 kW as standard – with multiple setting ranges. This allows a much better setting and measuring…

22. February 2022
Mobile Regenerative Load – New TRL Series
The DC loads of the TRL series feed the consumed energy back to the local mains supply. They do not require a fixed installation for this purpose, but can simply be plugged into the wall socket. Because these loads also operate very quietly, they are perfect for the developer in…

11. January 2022
High Current, Voltage Down to 0 V – New SCL Series
For testing high-current DUTs such as fuel cells, H&H has developed the new SCL series. These electronic DC loads stress the connected source with up to 1,200 A at a minimum input voltage of only 600 mV (standard models) or even from 0 V (SCL ZV). In addition to static…

17. December 2021
High Visit From Santa
St. Nikolaus has given us special visitors today. Literally out of the fog he appeared on the H&H premises together with his already slightly frail helper Krampus. In line with Corona, the employees also went there and were read a story as well as the riot act. Praise came from…

15. December 2021
New Generation of Source-Sinks – QL Series
H&H presents the new generation of source-sinks. In a modern design with touchscreen operation, the QL series on the one hand replaces the proven NL series with equivalent model range, and on the other hand offers far more functionality. As with its predecessor, the standard portfolio offers 2-quadrant models and…

11. October 2021
Software Tool for ACL Series Loads Available
For the AC-DC electronic loads of the ACL series, the associated control software, the ACL Tool, is now available with among others the following functions. In addition to the “Channel Coupling” setting, which is useful for three-phase applications, the load inputs of the existing channels are controlled centrally from each…

5. October 2021
NL Series Production Discontinued
We will discontinue production of the NL series source-sinks on 01.10.2021. As long as our stock permits, we will still be able to manufacture a few units at the current situation. We do this on a first-come-first-served basis. Service for the above-mentioned series will continue as long as spare parts…

23. July 2021
Null Modem Cable No Longer Standard Accessory
H&H wants to reduce electronic waste. These days, the RS-232 interface is hardly ever found on PCs and is as a result rarely used. We have therefore decided that from 23.08.2021 (i.e. after our company vacation) we will no longer supply a null modem cable as standard, but only on…

21. June 2021
Juice for Customers and Employees
The boss did not take the commissioning away from himself: After H&H already installed a “charging parking lot” for e-bikes last year, there are now also 5 charging points for electric cars on the company site, where customers and employees can charge their electric and hybrid vehicles free of charge. …

19. October 2020
Production Series B: ERI Series Regenerative Loads With New User Interface and More Functions
We have redesigned our ERI series regenerative loads. Besides a facelift in form of a new user interface, the ERI loads now offer the same functional range as the PLI series. That means the following functions are new: Master-Slave operation in system connection MPP tracking Internal resistance measurement Load current…

23. July 2020
Calibration 2x for Free With Device Registration
Calibration is an integral part of our manufacturing process. No electronic load leaves our factory without being calibrated carefully and appropriately for the respective purpose – regardless of whether it is a series product or a special solution made to customer order. With each electronic load or 4-quadrant power…

8. July 2020
H&H Power Distribution Units: New Models
Due to the increased demand for covered 2 U power distributions, we have expanded the model range: Up to now, the slim 2 U models have only been available as assembled front panels with multiple sockets, some of which switchable, and were only available in conjunction with a control cabinet.…

20. March 2020
Parallel Connection and Master-Slave Operation With ACL Series AC Loads
Identical models of single-phase and three-phase ACL series loads can now be used for different purposes in master-slave operation, namely System connection to realize a 3-phase system with 3 single-phase devices ACLS or Channel connection to connect several channels in parallel with up to 3 single-phase ACLS devices or one…

13. February 2020
PLI Multi-Range Variant Replaces ZS Series
We discontinue production of ZS series electronic multi-range loads with effect from March 31, 2020. For existing customers we will keep the possibility after the official discontinuation to procure spare devices for existing systems. The duration of this service will depend on material and component availability. Please contact us in…

22. January 2020
Setting Toggling with PLI Series Loads
In local operation it is helpful for certain applications to be able to switch rapidly between two load levels. For this purpose, we have built in a convenient setting toggling function in the PLI series, similar to that available in the ZS series. To do this, you define 2 setting…

31. October 2019
Testing Intelligent Chargers with PLI Charger Starter Interface
Intelligent chargers often only start the charging process when they detect a suitable energy storage device at their output. With the optional Charger Starter Interface (CST), the PLI series electronic load simulates a discharged accumulator by applying an appropriate voltage to the load input. The Charger Starter Interface can be…

30. October 2019
We Will Discontinue ZSAC Series Production
We discontinue production of electronic AC loads ZSAC series with effect from January 31, 2020. For existing customers we will keep the possibility after the official discontinuation to procure spare devices for existing systems. The duration of this service will depend on material and component availability. Please contact us in…

18. October 2019
Factory Lighting in LED
A contribution to environmental protection: We are currently converting the lighting of the entire company building in Konzell – from the administration to production to the stockroom – from fluorescent tubes to energy-saving LED tubes. The investment will already have amortized in about 2 years.

26. June 2019
PLI Models down to Zero Volt
For the PLI series – as already known from the ZS series through the zero volt option – there is now a selection of zero volt models available. The Zero Volt models extend the operating range of the electronic load almost to short circuit (10 mV). This makes these devices…

29. May 2019
Visitors from India
We had the pleasure of welcoming visitors from India to our company site in Konzell. The sales partnership with Techno-Comm has existed since 2012. Now a delegation of management, support and sales was our guest for two days to get detailed information about new H&H products and to refresh the…

22. May 2019
PMLA Multi-Channel Loads with Discharge Function
The PMLA series multi-channel loads have been enhanced with a comprehensive battery and accumulator testing function. Each channel can discharge a connected energy storage device in a controlled manner and provide the values for the absorbed charge and energy. With local operation, the user is guided through the menu so…

19. March 2019
PLA Model Range Extended
H&H has extended the model range of the “small” PLA load. Thanks to more efficient ventilation, some models can now continuously load the peak power that was previously only possible for a short time. These are the new models: PLA506, PLA1006, PLA1506, PLA512, PLA1012 and PLA1512. Go to PLA series

22. January 2019
PMLA Multi-Channel Load Now with Group Addressing
The PMLA multi-channel load series has been enhanced with a group addressing function that makes many channels more convenient to operate and manage. In digital remote operation, several channels can be combined to channel groups. By addressing a channel group, all channels in the group can execute setting commands simultaneously,…

23. November 2018
electronica 2018 with New ACL Three-Phase Load
At electronica 2018, H&H presented the new ACL three-phase loads, which operate in both DC and AC mode. The ACL load is designed for 3-phase networks. On the one hand, this eliminates the need for extensive cabling of 3 individual devices, and on the other hand, considerable cost savings are…

24. July 2018
Redesign of PLI Series Loads
With production series B, the PLI series has received both a facelift and many functional improvements. The front panel color has changed to a modern light grey. The menu navigation of the graphical user interface has been revised. Functional improvements can be mentioned, for example: – improved MPP tracking (option…

12. July 2018
MPP Tracking at PLA Loads
The “small” PLA loads now also have Maximum Power Point Tracking capability, even as standard. An extensive Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) function for testing photovoltaic panels can be activated. In variable sweep periods, the V/I characteristic of the panel is measured and stored. The sweep direction is selectable. The…

18. June 2018
H&H supports WARR Hyperloop
H&H visitor delegation with WARR project manager Martin Riedel (2nd from right) and Pod III As sponsor of the research project Hyperloop of the TU Munich, H&H was invited to the ceremonial unveiling of the new transportation pod (Pod III). Already in 2013 SpaceX CEO Elon Musk presented his idea…

4. May 2018
Apprentice Honored
Our Tobias Schnitzbauer passed his apprenticeship as an electronics technician for devices and systems with flying colors and was honored for this with other best examiners from the IHK committee district Straubing and Straubing-Bogen at a ceremony. In the presence of several guests of honor, Jürgen Wallstabe, Vice President of…

26. March 2018
H&H supports hofer powertrain
To perform a measurement on a battery module, we had a visit from a technical delegation from hofer powertrain. In the test, the DUT was first warmed up to a defined temperature by means of the heating device brought along and then cooled down by means of the liquid cooling…

3. November 2017
Kaiserslautern Racing Team successful with PLI6412
Rollout with (from left) Laura Hackl (H&H), Björn Ringeisen (KaRaT), Daniel Höcherl (H&H) H&H supports the Kaiserslautern Racing Team (KaRaT) in the development of its own drive components for electrically powered racing cars. An electronic load of the PLI6412 type was used to test the technical data of various components, such…
9. October 2017
H&H supports TU Darmstadt Racing Team
H&H supports the TU Darmstadt Racing Team (DART Racing) in the development of their own LiPo and LiFePO4 batteries. Since 2006 DART Racing has participated in the international construction competition “Formula Student” and gained numerous awards. DART Racing has participated in the international construction competition “Formula Student” since 2006 and…
23. June 2017
Digital Master-Slave operation at PLA loads
To increase the power or current capability up to 5 Electronic Loads of equal type can be operated in parallel in Master-Slave mode as one system. The Master unit controls the total input current of the system. This unit also shows the system’s total measurement values at its display and…
10. May 2017
New watchdog function at PLI series loads
The firmware of PLI series has been enhanced by a watchdog function. The watchdog function is an activatable communication supervisor to protect the unit under test. If due to disrupted data transfer the watchdog reset command is missing after a certain time the load input is switched off. Please contact…
18. January 2017
New Functions at PLA Series Loads
Watchdog function: activatable communication supervisor to protect the unit under test. If due to disrupted data transfer the watchdog reset command is missing after a certain time the load input is switched off. Characteristic function: Sequence of voltage values is mapped to a sequence of current values, linearly interpolated. Please contact…
30. August 2016
30 Years H&H
This year, the company Höcherl & Hackl looks back on a highly successful 30-year development. Founded by Helmut Höcherl and Johann Hackl in August 1986, the partners started developing Electronic Loads in a niche market, evolving to become one of the market leaders. Under the label “Made in Germany” we…
20. April 2015
Introduction RMA-Repair
n order to be able to offer you the best possible service we provide you an online-based RMA system which offers you a more comfortable and quickest possible repair procedure. Please consider the following items to avoid delays and transport damages of the repairs: Place the RMA number clearly visible…
20. January 2015
Additional mode “CP” at series PLI
In constant power mode the electronic load controls the set power by software. The current depending on the measured input voltage is calculated and set by a PI controller. The control parameters are nonvolatilely saved in the electronic load and may be varied. Required firmware revisions: AI 2.07, DI 2.07,…