Continuous Improvements and Innovations
In our in-house development department in Konzell, we are constantly working on the further development and improvement of our products. Especially for custom-made products, we develop new solutions on the basis of our decades of know-how.
Electronic loads from H&H test the technologies of tomorrow
The latest innovative milestone is the new load series SCL, our so-called single cell load. We have designed this generation of electronic loads specifically for DUTs that deliver high currents down to near 0 V or even right into short circuit.
They are therefore ideally suited for testing fuel cells.
Targeted Support of Research Activities
We have set ourselves the goal of actively promoting and effectively supporting innovative developments in the fields of renewable energies and electromobility. For this reason, we make equipment available free of charge to research and training institutions in order to realise innovative projects and thus familiarize students with the latest technologies.